New Music for Three Zithers

Reinhilde Gamper

Leopold Hurt

Martin Mallaun


including music by

Manuela Kerer

Helga Pogatschar

Burkhard Friedrich

Burkhard Stangl

released on the label „Idyllic Noise“ (July 2012).

Lotus Records: Online CD Music Shop


Burkhard Friedrich (*1962)

(D)evil Song

for three zithers and tape

Leopold Hurt (*1979)


for three zithers in scordatura

Leopold Hurt (*1979)


for three zithers

Manuela Kerer (*1980)

Solitudine vaga

for three zithers and tape


Reinhilde Gamper (born 1980 in Brixen) lives in South Tyrol / Alto Adige, where she teaches zither at the “Institut für Musikerziehung”. She graduated from the Tyrol State Conservatory, where she studied zither and “Singschulleitung IGP” (instrumental and vocal pedagogy). She subsequently completed her university diploma in zither at the Richard Strauss Conservatory in Munich. At present, she is enrolled in the master’s programme for contemporary music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich. Reinhilde Gamper performs in highly diverse settings: in the “Märchenprojekt” (fairy tale project) together with Heike Vigl (narrator, flutist), in cooperation with the saxophonist Rupert Hechensteiner, and together with the group “Heavensisters”, as well as with “Titlá”, Herbert Pixner, “Doggi Sing” and many others. Furthermore she performs  as a saxophonist with the „Peter-Mair-Pfeffersberg“ band.

The composer and interpreter Leopold Hurt (born 1979 in Regensburg) studied the zither, viola da gamba and historically informed performance at the Richard Strauss Conservatory in Munich, as well as composition at the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre. In addition, he attended courses on electronic music at iRCAM in Paris.

Leopold Hurt has contributed in manifold ways towards integrating the zither in current musical life, for example through his projects with the “Gebrüder Teichmann” in Berlin (electronics). Concert tours commissioned by the Goethe Institute have taken him to Ireland, China and Lebanon.

In recent years, his work has been awarded numerous prizes, most recently the “Stuttgart Kompositionspreis” and the “Hamburger Bach-Preis-Stipendium”. In addition, he has held residence scholarships at the “Cité internationale des Arts Paris” and at the “Villa Concordia” in Bamberg. Leopold Hurt is currently living and working in Hamburg.

Martin Mallaun (born 1975 in Kitzbühel) works as a freelance musician and botanist and as a music teacher at the “Tiroler Musikschulwerk”. He addresses a wide spectrum of musical genres – “whetherdealing with improvisation, electronics, baroque lute music, alpine folk music or contemporary new music, the native Tyrolean is always looking for new tonal and stylistic forms of expression with the zither. in doing so, he strolls unperturbed along the edges of the aesthetic intersections of various musical genres” (Music information Center austria, For his solo debut, “zwischen steinen”, Martin Mallaun was awarded the “Pasticcio-Preis” by the Austrian radio station Ö1. For 2012/2013, he holds a scholarship from the austrian Foreign Ministry’s NASOM (New Austrian Sound of Music) programme.

Helga Pogatschar (*1966)

Underground Surround

for three zithers and tape

Johannes X. Schachtner (*1985)


for three zithers in scordatura

Burkhard Stangl (*1960)

MELLOW (My Feldman)

for three zithers

Christian Wolff (*1934)


Renaissance / Baroque Music

i.a. by John Dowland, Girolamo Frescobaldi,

Alessandro Piccinini



Burkhard Stangl, mellow (my feldman), part I

Manuela Kerer, solitudine vaga (Ausschnitt)

Burkhard Friedrich, (D)evil Song

On the periphery of the performing arts ― on the fraying edge, if one will ― wondrous discoveries can be made. Not long ago, it looked as if the zither would forever remain a captive of its own stereotype. In the last years young interpreters have begun to discover the well-nigh inexhaustible wealth of colour and sonority inherent to the instrument. And yet, the instrument has recently experienced an astonishing Renaissance, especially in the area of contemporary music.

In the trio project at hand, three prolific members of this new zither scene interact to widen the horizons of our listening experience: Reinhilde Gamper, Leopold Hurt and Martin Mallaun. Driven by curiosity and experimental zest, they have developed an unorthodox approach to music making, making use of new playing techniques and latest developments in electronic music.

In their current program the three musicians demonstrate highly contrasting views and approaches to this tradition-bound instrument:

Burkhard Friedrich, for one, challenges the Zither cliché by way of accumulations of synthetic sound in (D)evil Song, waging a look past the New-Music horizon onto the landscape of metal/noise. Manuela Kerer makes a clean sweep with her piece solitudine vaga, using the instrument playfully and free of historical ballast. In his Homage to Morton Feldman, Burkhard Stangl probes deeply into the voluptuous sonic potency of the zither based on an absolute minimum of raw material. And in underground surround Helga Pogatschar goes „back to the roots“, mercilessly unmasking the myth behind The Third Mann.

Deutsch  |  English



Hamburg (D), Kampnagel,
Festival „Hamburger Klangwerktage“


St. Johann in Tirol (A), Alte Gerberei

Musik Kultur St. Johann


Wien (A), Echoraum



Bratislava (SK), KC Dunay

KC Dunay

Innsbruck (A), ORF Tirol, Studio 3

Wien (A), Porgy & Bess / Strenge Kammer


Berlin, Österreichisches Kulturforum

Siegburg, Pumpwerk


Klangspuren Schwaz (A)